Monthly Archives: April 2024

Do you have 8 minutes?

My friend who is going through a tough time who knows I have been in a roller coaster of challenges, took the time to send me the most perfect reminder video. It’s from Simon Sinek, talking about his experience with a friend who was struggling.

I highly encourage you to look him up on Instagram and watch this video, I will try to link it below. Yup I cried, what else is new?

The fear of our vulnerability and our pride gets in the way when we are struggling. We feel like we “should” be able to handle this life, that our superpower will be able to uplift us. Let’s be honest even on a good day, none of us truly can!

The hardest thing we can ever text is I need your help, I need to talk to someone, I need you.

From me, you usually get something like how are you? Whatcha doing? Sorry it’s been a while, what’s your plans? These are my catch phrases, as I am always evaluating whether I speak the words that are the depth of my thoughts.

I struggle to say hey I’m in a deep emotional depression state and don’t know how to get out. I am fragile right now, how do I get my power back to get through this?

The action of the friend sending this reminded me, I have community. I have people that I can say do you have 8 minutes?

The video was shared and this became our new Wolfpack code as well. This way all hands are on deck, everything else can be stopped, put in the background, the work, the chores and we can say, heck yes I have 8 minutes, I’m here for you.

I encourage you to watch and share the video with your people, your community.

The world can stop for a while to hear the voice of a loved one, don’t miss out on the best part of life, “Them”.

Life can change too fast in a blink.

Thank you Simon for sharing this, let’s all change our too fast world and support those around us. Do you have 8 minutes?

Love always from the constant learner, the Woman in Process

Starting Over

It’s never too late to start over, sometimes the self critic in our head likes to tell us that we’re incapable of it. Physically, we might be broken, mentally we may feel betrayed, angry, and fearful of not finding our way back.

Sometimes it’s just that first step, that first thought you put into action, the first goal you set for yourself again.

It’s been 13 weeks, and sometimes the future is just looking grey; sometimes I think it’s because it’s not written yet, sometimes it’s the bleakness of my own head, sometimes it’s the pain consuming my energy.

Each week I’ve been trying to do one small task item to start rebuilding who I was and who I’m going to become now.

This week, I’m trying to add a bit more movement, I have new exercises to work on rebuilding my arm, and I’m trying to quiet Gladys down with a small walk.

To go from running outside through the trees with my dog, feeling the wind in my hair and that determination of being able to do multi reps with the weights, the mentality of being in my own body and head and getting lost in those moments are what I’m missing the most.

So this week, my small task is trying to re-create or I should say create a new moment by losing myself in the things that I can enjoy and the modified movements.

I found that playlist that always made my feet want to move harder and faster, to push it. I took myself downstairs to my gym, that alone is a workout in itself. The feeling of just returning there gives me hope.

I may be in my pyjamas, but I stepped on my treadmill for the first time and immediately started to cry. It’s interesting how we grieve after a severe injury trying to put those puzzle pieces back together, as though a piece is missing and lost. Wondering if the piece will return one day when you least expect it.

The music was thumping, I still have to hang on, but one step in front of the other and I’m farther than I was yesterday.

I am the tortoise, slow steady meticulous thought into each movement. One goal, each day and I guess we will see where this process takes me.

0.8 mph officially the Tortoise

As always love from the journey filled Woman in Process

Gladys’s Voice

Please be advised this story will make most women close their legs and cringe.

It was an icy Friday morning in January and it was so cold; temperatures with the wind chill had us at -57.

I had just returned to work from running the errands needed for them, those temperatures don’t stop us from having to deal with the day to day. Then in a moment my world changed and life completely changed and went into a standstill for me, life around me continued, without me.

It was like being held for ransom. Now normally I don’t share a ton of details on what created the challenges, but to let Gladys have her true introduction I will need to. Gladys the floor is yours.

Now before I tell you who I really am, let’s set the stage and walk you through that morning.

Mrs. Jones was walking into the building and she has this thing with mats and cracks. Always step on a mat and don’t step on a crack. This is one of the ocd sayings in her head for safety, how did that work out for you Mrs. Jones?

The mat was right at the door and one step in and that was it. It was like being part of the scene in King Kong going down. I know you can picture this. Mrs. Jones right leg went forward into the Russian splits, her fingers and arm trying to take balance to hold her and her upper body turning her into a yoga contortionist and trying to turn to the moon.

It was ugly, the pain at that moment was ugly. Pop! Mrs.Jones was trying to keep her brave mask on, the nothing phases her, but this time she was hurt and it was showing. Her facade was broken, she is human after all.

All the jibbering, comments etc. was in the background. For me, I was in agony and was trying to get her attention. I was sending all the signals, she was close to fainting, throwing up or pooping herself. Have I got your attention yet? Hey lady!!! It’s me Gladys!! Can you hear me?

Maybe she doesn’t hear me loud enough? I know, I will just keep getting louder to get her attention, she has to hear me at some point. Hey, Mrs. Jones how about that line you always use about hearing and listening, do I have your attention yet?

I am laying on an exam bed and they are checking out Mrs. Jones. Hello, can you hear me? Can someone hear me, it’s me Gladys, I need to tell you what is wrong with me, helllooooooo!

Are these people that hard of hearing? I hear Mrs. Jones walking through the accident and at this point I am very swelled up, along with all my sisters and brothers of the region. Wait, ouch! What’s with this poking? Oh darn, that’s not good. Pop!

It’s been 13 weeks since that day and I have spent a good portion of time screaming at Mrs. Jones while she lays in bed. They put one part of me back in, I have been so swollen, in pain which means Mrs. Jones will be hearing about this cruel treatment. I need restitution!!!

My swelling has subsided some, but we still have lots of issues. My brothers and sisters have been through hell and trying to learn to function again slowly, me I keep squawking. I figured if I do, maybe we can get to the bottom of what is going on.

Mrs. Jones is trying to walk again but she can’t get very far before I start yelling. Slow down lady!!! She has the Golden Girl shuffle happening, but still she is hurting me. I stand my ground. It’s like being the ruler, “Thou shall not pass”. This power is so intensifying! I question if I ever give it back to her. 

We have seen our doctor, we have been going to treatments non stop for physio and amen we talk to Dr. C. I know she will help me! A female specializing in me, she will hear what I have to say.

It didn’t take long and boom, we now have a bigger plan to start getting more tests done, to find the damages to me!! I had to keep squawking, but they finally heard me. Me, the part of your pelvis that you took for granted, me with my brothers and sisters united that control a huge part of the bodies organs, me that can give you joy or pain.

At this point my power is strong, and we will see if I can be overthrown and un-crowned by Mrs. Jones, the battle has begun!

I am Gladys, I am ruler of the underground, ruler of the netherlands, ruler of your Vagina! And you will listen to me!

Signing off now- Byeeeeee!
